There is so much packed into this lesson, it is hard to get our head around it all. One thing is clear, we see the instructions that were given for the order of worship. This order was established in the wilderness. The children of Israel were willing and there was more than enough to get the job done. Moses at one point had to stop the people from bringing more resources forward for the project.
In 1 Kings, we find Solomon building a more permanent residence for God’s presence to dwell. It was David’s desire to accomplish this task, however, David had blood on his hands and the task came to Solomon. This temple was absolutely one of the most beautiful buildings in the world at the time.
In this reading, we are given some further understanding in Hebrews 9. We understand that progressively these intersections of time and history are types and shadows of what we can know to be true today. We need more than ceremonial cleaning. Individually we must be cleansed from impurity or brokenness through a perfect sacrifice.
The second portion of the reading for this week unveils the presence of God filling the tabernacle in the wilderness. Fast forward to the time of Solomon and we see God fill the temple with His presence. God promised to David that a house would be built for Him by one of David’s sons.
The description we find in the readings of the presence of God in these places was thick smoke. In the book of Acts we read about Christ and His command to go and wait for the power that would come to those who waited. The power that was about to be received by the people came from the Holy Spirit just as Yeshua had promised. On day 50 after Jesus resurrection the Holy Spirit came upon all those who were in the upper room and filled them.