Rachel Anava Marie Horton
Day 5 of our 11 year anniversary celebration of Touched by Grace on July 7, 2018, celebrates Rachel Anava Marie Horton.
Rachel Anava Marie was born January 13, 2008.
Our family waited and waited for her arrival, thinking she might be born before 2017 ended. She decided to make her appearance on the coldest morning Israel had had in years. We did not know if we were having a boy or girl. The tears in Todd’s eyes, as his child was born in the Land God promised, will never be forgotten.
One week after she was born, she was returned to the hospital due to jaundice. She spent a full day under the lights and was quite serious for a little bit. Her father stood by her bedside and prayed over her. She miraculously was able to return home after 24 hours.
Rachel is our child of increase. It had been prophesied over us that we would have children born in another country. She truly has been our child of faith.
When Rose became pregnant in April, Todd was working for an office in Jerusalem, for a company based in DC. By the time we found out Rose was pregnant (in May), the job was going to be gone by June 1, due to changes in the company.
July 7, 2007 TBG officially started and Rose was pregnant. Our journey of faith began. With next to nothing in the bank account, we began to “reach the world one person at a time.”
Eleven years later we still walk by faith, believing that HIS love needs to reach everyone we come in contact with. Rachel is full of that love.
Her name is even full of faith. The initials spell “RAM.” We know that God provided the ram in the thicket for Abraham and Isaac. God asked the Hebrew children to sacrifice a lamb at Passover. Rachel means lamb. Anava means humility. Marie is a derivative of Mary, who we know had special favor with God. We believe that all of these combined will help her grow into an amazing woman who follows the Holy Spirit (which she already does).
Rachel is vivacious and full of energy. She is independent.
Helping with cooking and baking, she makes great applesauce and desserts.
She loves to talk with you. She has stories to tell, and is expressive when she explains things.
She plays very well with her sisters and is creative as they work together. Gymnastics would be something she would like to try, so bouncing, twirling, and jumping is fun. She too, is a great swimmer, and loves to be in the water.
You can always expect the unexpected with her. “Usually” it is very positive.
Being the youngest, as we all know, has its challenges. She has braved them well and stands her ground. She is not afraid to stand up for herself.
Full of hugs, and always loves to cuddle, we know that she will do great things in her life. She can already find amazing verses to encourage someone.
Rachel, your family loves you very much. We are thankful God created you and placed you with us. We are proud to watch you grow and can’t wait to see what path HE takes you on.
Mom - Ima
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This July, we are focusing on raising funds to purchase the Touched by Grace Ministry Home. Our goal is reaching the world one person at a time with the Gospel (Good News of Yeshua our Lord and King)
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Box 3393- Brentwood, TN 37024
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